Sunday, March 11, 2012

January: Girl's Day

Taylor has been working so hard at her "after schooling" and I've been so proud of her. She is learning to overcome so much and in January, it was time to celebrate a little. So off we went on a girls day at the mall. The plan was to get our make up done, look at princess dresses, get a treat, and ride the carousel. Taylor had some anxiety when we got to the make up counter so she played on my phone while I made a few purchases. But she thoroughly enjoyed putting on some lip gloss! We walked through Macy's and looked at beautiful gowns and jewels. It was so fun to watch her skip through the isles with her hands out to touch the soft fabric. She was in heaven! Then we got a quick treat and wrote the carousel a few times.

I'm so thankful for my sweet Taylor. I can't wait until our next girl's day!

Being a five year old is a magical age.

January: 1st Pine Wood Derby

I can't believe I have a cub scout! Carter received his car some time in November and couldn't wait to begin work on it. When January came and it was time, there wasn't a happier little boy. Carter spent a lot of time looking online to get ideas for what his car would look like. He ultimately wanted a blue car with a lightening bolt. Drew helped him come up with a good design and together they worked hard.
This kid was born to be a cub scout.

Doing some last minute fine tuning.

Carter & his friend James.

Carter's lightening bold won most aerodynamic! Way to go Carter!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Best quote of the day...

Carter: "Mom, you haven't gotten groceries or done the dishes in two weeks!"

Corinne: (laughing a little) "Thanks Carter for sharing...get back in bed."

Carter: "Well, I just thought you should know."

Mr. Sunshine's Birthday

This little guy turned 3 this month! We celebrated our sweet Ashton Mckay with boutique cupcakes, yellow sprinkles of course, ice cream, and smiles.

Ashton, somethings about you right now in your life...

-you sleep with a puppy, monkey, boo, kitty, and blanky...your bed is full of happy faces each morning.
-you can be very stubborn but it makes me giggle, most of the time
-you love when your big sister is home- you ask to pick her up at the bus stop several times each morning
-you don't have favorite toys, you have favorite people
-you finally love listening while mama reads books to you
-your favorite outfit is undies and boots, footsie jammies are a close second
-you love to run
-you ask me to sing silly songs at bedtime
-you have a tender heart but are a very tough
-when i hear running water, i usually find you in the bathtub....with bubbles
-fresh air is your medicine when you are sad
-red mittens, i believe you will always remember red mittens
-you are our best evidence of Gods love

We love you... you delightful, silly, naughty, charming, big boy! You bring cheerfulness and smiles with you every where you go. We are so grateful you are apart of our family!